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Our Services

Boys Soccer Training

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Multiple Locations

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  • Canberra
  • Hougang
  • Yishun
  • Woodlands
  • Choa Chu Kang

Course Fees: $120 for 8 sessions (Inclusive of Jersey & Socks)

Work your way up to a Professional Soccer Career!

Over a period of one year with 8 sessions per month (Every Sat & Sun), we will help your child to develop new skillsets, resilience & sportsmanship. Our Coaches vary from Ex-Nationals with A, B, and C FAS Certificates.

If your child is keen on competitive soccer, we are also able to create pathways for your child to play in the Island Wide Soccer Team (Kallang Sportif Huskies FC) and in the Singapore Premier League Soccer Team (Woodlands United FC).

Program Outline

Basic Skills

Ball control, dribbling, shooting, passing. Fitness training.


Principles of attacking and defending. Team play.


Weekly, 4 tournaments a year.

Selection for Clubs

Talented youth will be selected for Senior League trials.

The Objectives of the WUSA™

Woodlands United Sports Academy’s D.I.P™ Program is rolling out in Sembawang GRC in 1st Quarter of 2022!

Develop Sports Talent for Singapore

Character Building for Children and Youth

Inculcate Social Responsibilities

Build Family Bonding and Community Spirit

Our D.I.P™ program (Discipline, Inclusiveness and Passion) will give them a positive mindset to face the challenges in life. Our coaches, members and partners will make sure your child is evaluated and inculcate in them discipline, team-work and skills in sports.


Drop Us a Line

For more information on our training programs and events please do not hesitate to contact us